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  • 袁立公益|湖南农村寄来的黄油可颂面包
    发布日期:2025-02-03 06:49    点击次数:183


    Early in the morning, we received a delivery from Wu Pengcheng with freshly baked croissant. Fluffy, crispy, with a hint of milk and wheat fragrance, tastes good! It is unbelievable how that young man we met six years ago now presents such a warm and healing life attitude. His family did not stop his pursuit of dreams, and his journey through hardships is truly heartening.



    Parting Ways with Beloved Younger Brother, 2015


    Wu Pengcheng’s father is a hard-working migrant worker suffering from pneumoconiosis. He was not only hit by the disease but also his wife leaving the family with their younger son, without saying a word. Wu Pengcheng and his younger brother shared a strong bond. They grew up and played together. This separation undoubtedly left Pengcheng with pain, evident in his blue eyes. Laughter and joy vanished from their home, only left a sense of loss.


    The father, knowing that he was dying, staring at him with motherly eyes. This scene left us a deep impression.


    Kneeling in the Snow to Bid Farewell to His Father, 2018


    On January 27, 2018, Wu Pengcheng’s father passed away. He did not have the chance to witness the family reunion. On a snowy day, little Pengcheng and villagers buried the father. Holding a flag, he knelt in the snow. The entire family only left his elderly grandparents. When we tried to offer some financial support to comfort his grandmother, she pulled out a small passbook, wiping her tears. We captured that moment in a photograph, forever preserved.


    He Had Kidney Disease, 2019


    In 2019, we found out Pengcheng had kidney disease and was hospitalized. His delicate face had swollen. Many children today are drawn to video games, let alone an orphan like him. Hearing about his gaming addiction, our hearts sank.


    Fortunately, a young person is always robust. With the help of other volunteers and us, Wu Pengcheng gradually recovered after a long period of treatment. We finally believed that the bright-eyed young man was back.


    A Security Guard in Changsha, 2023


    As Wu Pengcheng grew older, he harbored a small dream, to become a baker. He had heard about a baking school in Shanghai and embarked on the journey without hesitation. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the training school was closed, leaving Wu Pengcheng disappointed.


    2023, a volunteer, Dai, arranged a security guard job for Pengcheng in Changsha. The job provided meals and accommodation and offered 1700 yuan per month. From Anhua, Hunan to Changsha, Pengcheng set off on his new path.


    Dreams Finally Blossom, 2024


    Unconsciously, fate tightly bound us to Wu Pengcheng. We witnessed his sorrows and growth. He still wanted to be a baker, and we agreed that he should not be confined to guarding doors. Finally, Pengcheng got a chance to visited Shanghai. Ms. Yuan treated him and took him to the top of the Shanghai Center for sightseeing.


    一时没有着落,袁老师就发动身边朋友,推荐他到嘉定南翔镇一家汽修厂打工学技术。令人欣慰的是,这个单薄的年轻人焕发出一种锲而不舍的劲头来,一步步朝着自己的目标不断靠拢着。自助者天助(God helps those who help themselves),终于在一家叫做:海上青焙坊的机构实现了自己的梦想。值得一提的是,海上青焙坊是一所专门为来自困难家庭的17至23岁中国青少年提供一年无偿法式烘焙培训的公益机构,感谢同行,向你们学习。我们想吴鹏程今天的日记一定是这样写的: 今天把新出炉的牛角给袁老师快递去了一些,火候虽然还差一点点,但我实在等不及想和她一起分享。上海实在是太大了,奔波来回学习虽然辛苦。但我从未感觉到背井离乡的孤独寂寞,因为基金会的家人们也生活在这里,山穷水尽的时候可以去找她们。将来我想开一家自己的面包店,让奶奶也能过上幸福的晚年生活......

    When things seemed uncertain, Ms. Yuan mobilized her friends and recommended Pengcheng to work and learn technical skills at an auto repair shop in Nanxiang Town, Jiading. It was heartening to see this unconfident young man squeezed a determined perseverance. Step by step, he got closer to his goal. As the saying goes, “God helps those who help themselves,” and eventually, in an organization called Shanghai Young Bakers, he realized his dream. It is worth mentioning that Shanghai Young Bakers is a charity institution that provides free one-year French baking training to Chinese youth aged 17 to 23 from difficult backgrounds. We thank our peers and learn from them. We imagine that Pengcheng’s diary today would read something like this: “Today, I sent some freshly baked croissants to Ms. Yuan. Although they might be slightly undercooked, I couldn’t wait to share with her. Shanghai is a metropolis. Though the back and forth for learning is tough, I never felt the loneliness of being far from home because the foundation is also here. When I reach a dead-end, I can always turn to them. In the future, I want to open my own bakery, allowing my grandmother to live a happy and peaceful life in her later years…”






